My fantastic beast is as big as a car he has big blue eyes and tiny round ears. He has scales like a mermaids tail purple during the day and glow in the dark at night. He is a very friendly beast who eats only strawberries and blueberries and loves to sleep all day under shaded trees and wonders all night looking at the stars. I call him freddy.
Activity 2 the secretive skink

Would you like to be a DOC ranger and live with the animals on Great Barrier Island?
- looking after animals so the dont become extinct
- everyday is different
- lots of fresh air
- no shops around
- miss my friends and family
- wont be able to have a cat or dog
The saimaa ringed seal are one of the most endangered species on earth. The wwf is building snowbanks that the seals can have there pups in if they didnt pups would be born in the open and risk of dieing. It is working but we need to find a better plan so we can save more.
clip 2 tigers would not play.
Kia Ora, Lauryn
ReplyDeleteWell done for completing another 3 activities! I like how you've put a days worth of work in to one blog post, good thinking.
Activity 1 - Fantastic Beasts: Thanks for the excellent description of your beast, Freddy— he sounds fierce and as though he has an appetite that I can appreciate. I really enjoyed this sentence: "He has scales like a mermaids tail; purple during the day, and they glow in the dark at night." Where do you think Freddy came from?
Activity 2 - The Secretive Skink: Thanks for sharing with us that you'd like to become a DOC ranger. It would be such a rewarding job, as you mentioned you would get a lot of fresh air and have something different to do every day. But most importantly, you'd be helping to ensure that species don't become extinct. The cons would be a bit hard to work through in the beginning, but I'm sure you would get used to not having any shops or friends and family around. You'd get to go home to visit them and your pets, I'm sure.
Activity 3 - The WWF 'World Wildlife Fund': Thanks for telling us about the Saimaa Ringed Seal. Isn't it a wonderful idea? Building snowbanks so that the Saimaa Ringed Seal and their pups can have some shelter and do not have a higher risk of dying is such a great idea. However, I appreciate that you acknowledge that even though this idea is working, we need to find a better solution in order to save more of the Saimaa Ringed Seals.
Keep up the amazing work, Lauryn!
Ngā mihi,